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Art and architecture | 1850 up to 1900 | Western Pomerania until 1945

Walter Moras: Anklam shipyard

Walter Moras, Anklamer Schiffswerft
  • Walter Moras (1856-1925), Anklam shipyard,
    2nd half of the 19th century; width: 72 cm

The image shows the traditional technique of building a single-mast sail boat. It lies in the dry dock, planks already fitted to its lower section, while a second ship awaits its launch. To enable this, tar is being boiled in the foreground to caulk the gaps between the planks.

Walter Moras, a landscape and panorama painter from Berlin and student of Professor Hermann Eschke, exhibited faithfully at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition. He belonged to the group of en plein air painters from the second half of the 19th century, who frequently visited Mecklenburg, Pomerania and island of Rügen to find inspiration as summer guests.

Text: W.H., W.Ka.

Look here for the original exhibit:

Museum im Steintor

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